
MTE – Matrix AP Passive Harmonic Filter

The MTE Matrix AP Harmonic Filter with MTE’s innovative “adaptive passive technology”*, is the most advanced harmonic filter that provides improved power factor and energy efficiency. Using the adaptive passive technology, the filter adapts to various loads while providing optimized THID performance. It maintains a THID performance of 8% MAX at 30% load and 5% MAX at full load and helps meet IEEE-519 Requirements (5%

The MTE Matrix AP provides a broader harmonic attenuation vs load than any other manufactuerer of passive input filters.

The MTE Matrix AP provides a broader harmonic attenuation vs load than any other manufactuerer of passive input filters.

THID) when used at lighter loads.

Matrix AP filters can be applied to virtually any kind of power electronics with front-end six-pulse rectifiers, where harmonic current distortion needs to be reduced to defined

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